The People Next Door
A woman returns to the small community where she was raised upon learning the death of her grandmother. While visiting her old community she is given a journal which was kept by her grandmother. Grandma's book tells who shot who, who the real baby's daddy is, what really happened when...., and all the hidden scandals of their neighborhood.
The People Next Door

Ch 1: RC Cola
They say nobody gets rich overnight, but I did. Today, I deposited a check for $500,000. I have never seen so many zeroes on one check in my whole life....
Ch 1: RC Cola
They say nobody gets rich overnight, but I did. Today, I deposited a check for $500,000. I have never seen so many zeroes on one check in my whole life....

Ch 2: Record Player
As I searched through the book I pulled from the attorney's envelope, I found the original deed to my grandma's house. I was surprised to learn the house was owned...
Ch 2: Record Player
As I searched through the book I pulled from the attorney's envelope, I found the original deed to my grandma's house. I was surprised to learn the house was owned...

Ch 3: VCR
Nobody in our neighborhood had cable TV. In fact, I don’t believe people knew what it meant when it first came out. Everyone I knew rented movies on VHS tapes....
Ch 3: VCR
Nobody in our neighborhood had cable TV. In fact, I don’t believe people knew what it meant when it first came out. Everyone I knew rented movies on VHS tapes....
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