Personal Partnership $99
10 Vibe95 Radio Commercials (Excluding Morning Show), Logo in a Slider on 1 Page.
Small Partnership $150
20 Vibe95 Radio Commercials (excluding Morning Show), Logo on 2 App Pages, Business Portal Page within the app and website, and Business Ad attached to 2 mass text messages.
Big Partnership $250
30 Vibe95 Radio Commercials including the Morning Show, Logo/Flyer on the Main App Home Page, Logo on 3 extra App Pages, Business Portal Page within the app and website, Business Ad attached to 2 mass text messages (per month),
Major Partnership $375
40 Vibe95 Radio Commercials including the Morning Show, Radio Interview and Article published about you/brand, Logo/Flyer on the Main App Home Page, Logo on 4 extra App Pages, Business Portal Page within the app and website, Logo/Ad/Flyer attached to 4 mass text messages (1 per week).